Kiran Sethi

Kiran Sethi


Kiran Bir Sethi is an Indian designer, educationist, education reformer, and social entrepreneur. With a degree in visual communication from the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, she ran a flourishing design practice, but it was when her children started going to school that Sethi recognized her true calling -putting design thinking into education.
Human by Chance. HumanE by Design Session Description: Today, student success requires skills for collaboration, creativity, compassion, and problem solving. There is an urgent need to prepare our young people to both navigate an unknown and complex future and believe they have the skills to shape a more desirable, sustainable future. To meet this need, it is even more imperative that teachers tap into their own creativity and build this same belief in their own capacity to develop and drive change within education. Design thinking is one of the ways we can address this need. It asserts that new and better things are possible and that each of us can make change happen if we cultivate a human-centered, collaborative and optimistic mindset.

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