Sunday 27 August 2023 08:00 AM
TO Saturday 26 October 2024
conf Course
icon_podium_ibworkshops Group

Culturally Responsive Practices for Teachers and Leaders

By enrolling in the Culturally Responsive Practices for Teachers and Leaders asynchronous course, you will go beyond gaining an understanding of culture to reviewing cultural competencies and frameworks and assessing your own biases. You explore the meaning of being a Qatari student by learning about their familial structures as well as the traditions, customs, and beliefs that complement the educational journey. In the final module, you will read about the theory and research that underpin culturally responsive practices and the implementation of those practices in your classrooms. Culture is the fabric that weaves us all together, and in this course, we will unravel the threads that make our students and families unique in order to foster academic rigor.